Get ready for the ride of application craziness. 

First, please upload your resume as a PDF. Then, re-enter all of your resume details into our form. You got time, right?

Before we meet you, why don’t you provide us with three references (oh and bother those dearest three, give them a heads up about this “non-existent” future correspondence)… And your last three employers, include their full mailing addresses just in case we want to send them a gift
 And your salary because we want to see how little we can get away with paying you.

You enter your details. 20 minutes have gone by. Break time: You go to the bathroom, get coffee to stay awake, or rescue your kid, or cat, or roommate, take your pick. You go back to your computer and find that you have been logged out “For your own safety” and nothing got saved.

Back to the beginning
 Minutes go by, you’re almost done
 But you’re not. When you get to page 26 of the application you need the date and place of your confirmation into the Catholic faith, a list of wedding guests for your best friend’s bash two years ago, or the names of Santa’s reindeers. Note, you can’t move forward without Dascher. Yes, you have to put the original German into the form.

Near the end, you put your degree information into the form from a well-respected university in the UK, Pakistan, or Mongolia and the form says, “No.” No option for “Other” and no option to “Add one.” So you have to lie about going to the University of Never Heard of You in New Mexico.

Hope you can sort it out in the interview. Of course, that’s if they don’t reject you or ghost you before the interview. Good luck.

And even if you get a call from the recruiter that’s not the end. Then you have to go through multiple interviews, and god knows if you even go to the finish line. So we get it, it is all very frustrating to apply 100 jobs over and over, redoing your CV and cover letters, and get one or two calls. This does not have to be that crazy. There are techniques that allow you to apply MUCH less applications while getting better results. 

It will take a lot of time and effort to discuss those techniques I just mentioned above. Would be easier if you schedule a career breakthrough session with one of our coaches to dive deeper into the proven techniques that DCC can offer.

⏭ Ready to stand out from the competition in your next interview? Explore our program by clicking here OR Book a FREE Career Strategy Call and receive tips on how to do so with the “Top Ten Interview Myths” guide.