The Covid-19 pandemic has not only changed the way we view health, but it also made changes to the way we work. As people were forced to work remotely and stay at home, a new trend in working hours arose– flexible scheduling.


Flexible scheduling, or the ability to alter the days and hours that an employee works, can be a useful tool for both employees and employers. It can provide greater control and autonomy for workers while also allowing businesses to respond to changing needs and demands.

However, it can also pose challenges and risks that must be carefully considered. Why do people want to have a flexible schedule? Here are a few positives:


1️⃣ Work-life balance. It helps employees balance their work and personal responsibilities. A worker with young children may schedule their work around their childcare needs, or an employee with an aging parent can adjust their hours to provide care.

2️⃣ Increased productivity. Flexible scheduling can mean increased productivity. Employees may be more motivated and engaged with greater control over their work schedule.

3️⃣ Cost savings. Businesses can reduce overhead costs such as utilities and rent by having some employees work remotely or part-time.

4️⃣ Talent retention. It can attract and retain employees who value work-life balance and flexibility.

5️⃣ Improved customer service. Businesses can provide better customer service by offering extended hours or more coverage during peak periods.


On the surface, the advantages of flexible scheduling are easy to see. Yet there will always be disadvantages:

1️⃣ Poor Communication. As employees may not be in the office at the same time as their colleagues or supervisors. This can make it more difficult to coordinate work and share information.

2️⃣ Lack of structure. Some employees thrive on structure and what is routine; flexible scheduling can lead to a lack of predictability in their work schedule.

3️⃣ Isolation. Most of the time, we take for granted the social aspect of the office. There will be employees who would feel negatively from being too isolated, especially those who work from home.

4️⃣ Issues with benefits. Some company benefits need tenure before you can be eligible for them, which can become a problem for flexible schedules.

5️⃣ Unpredictable income. For workers who are paid by the hour, flexible scheduling can lead to unpredictable income, as their hours may vary from week to week.


Having a flexible schedule is not a simple benefit that can be given to employees; it needs to be well thought out and considered. It’s situations like these where DCC’s Organizational Development program excels. We know that there is a need for open communication and positive change in the workplace, and it would not be possible if there were gaps in the organization. I can help you with the details. Please email us at